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Plot Number 463Industrial Area Phase 1, Panchkula - 134113+91-8729000609

Omega 3 EPA DHA Syrup | Plefish 369


Product Description

What is Omega 369 Syrup?

Plefish 369 is a brand name of Omega 3 EPA DHA Syrup which belongs to the group of Nutritional supplements useful in lowering increased triglyceride levels and reducing the risk of Coronary heart disease and helps in building and maintaining a healthy body. It is useful as an adjunct in the treatment of cardiovascular health, Infant health and Development, cancer prevention, Cognitive function, dementia, age-related macular degeneration, arthritis, and more. It is completely safe to buy Omega 369 from at the lowest price in India.

Uses of EPA DHA Omega 3 Syrup

  • Omega 369 DHA syrup is a nutritional supplement which contains Omega-3 fatty acids which is useful to generate energy and stamina in the body and makes it stronger especially in chronic disease where the body tends to get bogged down.
  • It promotes general well-being and health by improving muscle quality and stamina.
  • Omega 3 Fatty acids reduce inflammation and help decrease biological markers of infection hence relaxing the body in case of infection or disease. 
  • It alleviates the damage caused due to heart failure, prevents aging, improves brain function, eases aches due to stress, enhances appearance, and increases Body’s tolerance and immunity.
  • Fish Oil helps in maintaining a healthy brain function
  • It is a strong antioxidant against free radical damage
  • A normal Mucous membranes and immunological function which are maintained and also important for the synthesis of proteins, growth hormones, and bone health.
  • ADHD is a common condition which is linked to symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and difficulty in focusing. Omega 3 helps in decreasing ADHD symptoms in children.

Precautions and Side Effects of Omega 3 EPA DHA Syrup

  • Allergic Reactions: If you are allergic to Omega 3 Fatty acid inform your healthcare provider to outweigh the risk and set the appropriate dosage.
  • Liver or kidney disease: If your child has a history of liver or kidney disease or suffering so inform your doctor to prevent the risk.
  • Dosage: Check with healthcare provider to set the appropriate dosage as per requirement of child’s well-being.

Side Effects:

  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Burping
  • Rash
  • Itching
  • Bad Breath
  • Unpleasant Aftertaste

As you have complete information about Omega 3 EPA DHA syrup and want to buy so visit at the lowest price in India.

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